Future growth of Hutt City is assured through a new Urban Growth Strategy adopted by the Community Development Committee.
The strategy which provides new residential development in greenfield areas and infill housing will go to full council next month (August)
Work will then begin on changing the district plan to include provisions for the changes suggested within the strategy.
The changes will set our city on a growth path into the future.
We estimate our population will grow to around 110,000 in the next 20 years and the new provisions in the urban strategy will accommodate the 6000 new houses expected to be built during that period.
The Urban Growth Strategy drew more than 400 submissions during an intensive round of consultation and council listened carefully to views of people affected by the initial proposals.
Officers have done a good job in developing the strategy which took many months to prepare and engage with the communities affected by the proposals.
A draft planning change will go out to the community for comment and will include owners and occupiers of land and property affected by the proposed change.
This matter is likely to be a priority for the new council in the next triennium,” he says.
Mayor Wallace says no council can give a binding commitment beyond 10 years but the decision has put Lower Hutt on track to accommodate growth into the future.